The Mary Martha group will begin a new study on Thursday, March 6, at 3:30 till 4:30 pm. “Finding Our Fulfillment in Christ ”, by Rebekah Hargraves. It is a Lent devotional study for women. According to Rebekah Hargrove the purpose of Lent is a time to distance ourselves from our distracted, burdened, hurried, everyday life. We will see how the Lord worked through thirty specific women in the Bible to change their lives. Discover anew the Gospels and how we can focus on the Lord, and how we can apply it to our everyday life. This study will take place at the home of Elaine McKenzie. Please contact Elaine if you plan to join this group. You can reach her at 706-570-0983, or by email
New Mary Martha Bible Study
by admin1 | Jan 5, 2024 | E-Newsletter, Events & Announcements, TV & ProPresenter, Uncategorized | 0 comments