Our Team

Jerry Akin
Senior Pastor
About Jerry
Jerry is a native of Columbus, Georgia. Hearing and learning scripture at a young age played a key role in his spiritual formation, so he has a passion for guiding and equipping families to grow in their faith.
He also believes that the local church should be an outpost of God’s Kingdom, and he considers it a great privilege to witness that Kingdom of love and grace as it breaks into this world through the people and ministries of Pierce Chapel.
Jerry graduated from the University of Alabama, Candler School of Theology, and Duke University, where he received his Doctorate of Ministry degree. He enjoys spending time with his wife, Clare, and their children, Liam and Hannah Clare. He also enjoys running, writing stories and devotionals, and spending time in the outdoors.

Linda Laye
Pastoral Care Assistant
About Linda
Linda is a Deaconess in the United Methodist Church, having been consecrated to that role in May of 2020 after significant theological education and training.
Linda is also a Certified Lay Minister (CLM) in the UMC, by completing CLM training through our South GA Conference over the past couple of years.
But beyond all of that valuable credentialing, Linda is a beautiful example of loving servanthood, care, and compassion. We have been the recipients of her faithful ministry in so many areas as she has lived out her call to be a disciple right here within our own congregation in countless volunteer capacities over many years.

Roseanna Harbuck
Director of Programs & Communications
About Roseanna
Roseanna is originally from Buena Vista, Georgia, where she grew up in the United Methodist Church. She attended Georgia State University where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Art History.
Roseanna served on staff at Pierce Chapel as the Children’s Ministry Coordinator from 2014-2021, and moved into the position of Director of Programs & Communications in 2023. She loves helping connect people and grow the body of Christ through this multi-faceted role! She is also passionate about missions and cross-cultural work and enjoys helping coordinate Pierce Chapel’s mission efforts as we seek to extend God’s love to world.
Roseanna is married to her high school sweetheart, Kasey, and they are the proud parents of Rayna. Their family enjoys traveling and exploring!

Donna Pounds
About Donna
Donna has been involved in church music ministries since her preschool days and, since Junior High, has been employed at her home churches as an accompanist. She truly enjoys her dual role here at Pierce Chapel serving as choir director/service accompanist as she works at equipping folks to lead in worship through many different music ministries such as adult choir, children’s choir and handbells.
In addition to her duties at Pierce Chapel, Donna is proud to be a Registered Nurse and a Certified Lay Minister (CLM) through the South GA Conference.
Donna enjoys outdoor adventures with husband, Randy, and adult son, Miles, and his family.

Debbie Korytoski
Preschool Director
About Debbie
Debbie accepted the role of Preschool Director in January 2022. She has an impeccable reputation as an educator in this community and she is dedicated to loving and serving children and their families in truly life-shaping ways.
Over her career, she has served as Assistant Principal and Principal in Harris County, and in her work as Assistant Superintendent of Schools, she oversaw the Pre-K program for all of Harris County. Debbie has a proven track record of fostering healthy, supportive relationships with staff, with parents, and with children.
She and husband, Doright, have two sons who are both in college: Philip & Andrew.

Noah Barfield
Director of Youth Ministries
About Noah
Noah came to Pierce Chapel from Christ Community Church (his home church). For the last 3 of those years, Noah volunteered as the “right-hand man” of CCC’s full-time youth minister.
Noah has a passion for students and seeks to help them know their hope and value in Christ. He is committed to pouring his life into our students to encourage and challenge them to follow Christ with their whole hearts!
A graduate of Veritas Classical School in 2016, he is currently working toward a Bachelors in Ministry Leadership degree (online) through Toccoa Falls College. Noah married Ansley in June 2021.

Beth Hudson
About Beth
Beth has many years of experience serving children and families as a nanny as well as years of experience managing employees in a retail setting. She not only loves to connect with people herself, but she also has the natural ability to help connect people with one another.
Beth identifies “shepherding” as one of her spiritual gifts, and her desire is to shepherd children into the knowledge that they are deeply loved by God and to support parents as they guide their children in a growing relationship with Jesus.
Beth and her husband, Will, have three children: Elijah, Everett, and Elaina.

Taylor Heinzelman
Nursery Director
About Taylor
Taylor, raised up at Pierce Chapel, has often said it was her childhood dream to one day serve as Nursery Director! She began volunteering in the nursery as a teenager and served many years as a regular nursery worker before becoming our Nursery Director.
She loves caring for children and you will find her surrounded by babies and toddlers most Sundays! Taylor also provides childcare at her home when she is not keeping kiddos at church.
She is married to Kevin and they have two children, Brenna and Charlie. Their family loves to explore new places and enjoy the outdoors.

Clare Akin
Graphics & Publications Coordinator
About Clare
Clare is a native of Columbus, GA where she grew up in the Methodist Church. She attended the University of Alabama and graduated with a degree in Fine Arts.
Clare enjoys spending her spare time with her family, taking photographs of nature, sewing, and painting. She loves to put her creative skills to work while serving the church.
She and her husband, Jerry, and their two children, Liam and Hannah Clare, enjoy vacationing in the mountains and at their favorite beach spot, Jekyll Island.

Elena Graves
About Elena
Elena has been an active member of Pierce Chapel for years and grew up in the Children’s Ministry. She is a Senior at Harris County High School and plans to pursue work in ministry after graduating. She is a part of The Refuge, Pierce Chapel’s Youth Ministry and participates in the Youth Band.
Elena has a heart for kids and has always wanted to serve in this role to give back to the church. She is a gifted leader and devoted young follower of Christ and her gifts get to shine through her work with our Children’s Ministry!

Laura Stewart
About Laura
Laura moved to Columbus from San Antonio 28 years ago. She was determined to return to Texas, but God had other plans; He provided a great job at TSYS, where she met her husband, Steve, of 21 years. After working for TSYS 25 years, she retired but soon joined Pierce Chapel staff as our friendly and helpful receptionist!
Laura states, “Even though I don’t attend Pierce Chapel, the people are outstanding; everyone has made me feel like family, like I belong here!” You can expect a smile, warm welcome and friendly help anytime you visit or call our church office!

Dawn Krueger
Financial Secretary
About Dawn
Dawn received her Bachelors in Accounting and MBA from Columbus State University. She has been working in accounting for over 15 years because she loves numbers and how they are accurate and exact. She married Eric Krueger in August 1999 and they had their daughter, Madeleine, in 2002 and their son, Nicholas, in 2005. Her children play sports all over the southeast and her family loves to travel to their sporting events.
As Pierce Chapel’s financial secretary, she hopes to serve those in the church by providing accurate and reliable information.

Robbie Nicholas
Young Adult/College Student Minister
About Robbie
Robbie is originally from Hattiesburg, Mississippi but grew up the son of diplomats in South Africa, Germany and Japan. Serving as our Young Adult/College Student Minister, Robbie has a heart for a demographic he says are “consistently skipped over but expected to lead”.
When not developing mature disciples who know, love and serve Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, Robbie serves as a Detective with the Columbus Police Department. Robbie received both his Bachelor Degree in Criminal Justice and Master Degree in Public Administration from Columbus State University. He is currently completing the course work for Certified Lay Minister in the Global Methodist Church. Robbie and his wife, Tiffany have two teenage daughters, Addison and Reagan.

Sierra Reis
About Sierra
Info coming soon!

Will Hudson
About Will
Will has worked for The Georgia Lottery Corporation for the last decade so splits his days working full time and serving the church! On evenings and weekends, you will find him working hard to transition the church and prepare for the many meetings and events happening.
Will says “I like Pierce Chapel for the community of believers. The missions, the relationships, the feeling of genuine people growing together to be more like Jesus. That’s what brought our family to here.” Will is married to our Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Beth Hudson and they have 3 children.
Will finds enjoyment in fly fishing and other outdoor and hunting activities when he has a few hours off!

Kasey Harbuck
Audio/Visual Coordinator
About Kasey
Info coming soon!