At Pierce Chapel, we believe that children are valued members who are fully able to experience and participate in worship, grow in discipleship and enjoy fellowship with each other! We also believe that by partnering with parents we can increase our impact and help children develop strong foundations in faith. Check out all that our Children’s Ministry program has to offer!
Loving nursery care is available to children from birth to 3 years of age by a dedicated staff team led by our Nursery Director, Taylor Heinzelman. Nursery is offered at all Sunday morning services (8:30 & 11:00 AM), Sunday Connections time (9:45-10:45 AM) and during most church-wide events in Room 201. For more information, contact Taylor at
Our children’s ministry is for children 3K-5th grade and we offer several Sunday morning experiences for this age group.
- 8:30 & 11:00 AM Services – Children’s Church (3K-K) | Chapel Kids (1st-5th grades) *Chapel Kids students remain in the main service for Holy Communion on 1st Sundays.
- 9:45-10:45 AM Sunday Connections – 3K-K Class (Room 307) |1st & 2nd Grade Class (Room 311) | 3rd-5th Grade Class (Room 210)
We also offer various seasonal activities and events to include Children’s Choirs (see our Music Ministries info below), fall festivals, Easter Egg hunts, Vacation Bible School and summer camp. For more information, contact our Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Beth Hudson, at
The Refuge: Where in the midst of a chaotic world students can come and know abundant life found in Jesus Christ through Connection, Transformation, and Restoration.
Who: Students 6th-12th Grades
When: Sunday nights | 5:00-7:30pm.
Where: In the Youth Barn
On Sunday nights we gather as a youth ministry for fellowship, community, worship, and teaching! We have a time of dinner and games followed by worship through song, teaching from Scripture that applies to the life of students, and finally we end the night with age and gender based small group discussion. Students are also invited to participate in our Sunday Connection class from 9:45-10:45 AM (Sundays, Youth Barn) and Wednesday night Bible study groups.
We are dedicated to creating a life-giving space for students to be built up in the midst of a world that constantly seeks to tear us down. We believe in students because God believes in students!
For any questions please email our Director of Student Ministries at
God made us for relationships—with Him, and with each other. We all need more intimate relationships with other Christians than Sunday morning worship alone can give us and our small groups provide opportunities for us to develop those relationships.
Connecting to others through groups happens in three ways at Pierce Chapel: Community Groups, Sunday Connections, and Small Groups.

Our Sunday Connections classes (also known as Sunday School) offer a chance to gather with a smaller group on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45 AM. We offer classes for all ages from children to Senior Adults.
For children and student options, please visit our Children’s Ministry section and our Student Ministry section. Nursery is offered for children age 3 and under. For a full list of adult classes, see our Sunday Connections List .

Life Groups and Community Groups offer a great opportunity to form meaningful relationships with others at Pierce Chapel while growing in your walk with Christ. These groups meet at least twice a month in a home, usually over a shared meal, and are open to anyone. Life Groups and Community Groups “do life together” and offer support to each other. Interested? Contact Roseanna at

We offer many types of small groups at Pierce Chapel from short term Bible studies to fellowship gatherings. Some groups also meet based on a shared activity such as our Senior Exercise Group or Quilting Group. For more information, contact Roseanna at
For info on our Happy Achers Senior Adult group, please contact Sara at Happy Achers meets weekly on Thursdays at 12:30 PM.

Pierce Chapel has several opportunities for men of all ages! Whether you are looking for a chance to connect or to serve, our men’s groups offer several options organized through the Men for Christ group.
- Men’s Discipleship Breakfast Meets on 2nd Tuesdays of the month at 6:45 AM in the Hospitality Room. Enjoy a hot breakfast and devotional together!
- Men’s Bible Study Meets 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 7:00 PM in the Chapel. With rotating studies and group discussions, this is a great chance to dig deeper into scripture.
- Handyman Ministry This is group of men using their talents and skills to help those in need around the church and on the church grounds.


Pierce Chapel supports and encourages connection among women in all walks of life! We offer several groups and studies to help women grow in their relationship – with God, first and foremost, but also with other women. Check out the opportunities below.
- Women of the Word (WOW) Meets on Monday mornings from 9:15-11:15 during the school year. For more info, contact Susan Durham at .
- Mary & Martha Bible Study Meets weekly on Thursday afternoons in the home of Elaine McKenzie. For more information, contact Elaine at
- Tuesday Ladies Group (TLC) Meets weekly on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm in the church office conference room. For more information, contact Deb Higdon at
- United Women in Faith The purpose of United Women in Faith is “to connect and nurture women so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities.” This group meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 12:30 pm. For more info, contact President, Karen Hartin, at

Aimed at inspiring our congregation to join in personal and unified worship, our Music Ministry leads in worship utilizing many exciting methods, including choirs, soloists, ensembles, handbells, and other instrumentalists of all ages.
Scheduled opportunities for participation include:
- Worship Choir, meeting on Wednesday nights, 7:30-8:30 pm
- Adult Handbells, meeting every other week on Wednesday evenings
- Youth Worship Band, meeting on Monday evenings from 6:00-7:00 pm
- Children’s Choir, (Age 3 through fifth grade), meeting on Sunday afternoons, 4:00-5:00 pm
If you’re interested in participating in any of our Music Ministry opportunities, please contact Donna Pounds at or 706-326-3005.
At Pierce Chapel, missions and serving are at the heart of our ministry. Our spiritual growth is deeply connected with acts of Christ-like service. There are two ways to use your unique spiritual gifts: by serving IN THE COMMUNITY and IN THE CHURCH. Where is God calling you?

SERVE In the Community
In Acts 1:8, Jesus says that we will be his “witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” – which calls us to serve in our community and in our world. There are many ways to serve outside the walls of the church through mission planning teams, local hands-on ministries and short-term mission trips. Pierce Chapel partners with many ministries locally and globally and it’s exciting to see the Kingdom work happening through our combined efforts. For a list of ways to engage in missions, see our SERVE in the Community List.
View our quarterly MISSIONS NEWSLETTER to see the latest updates!

SERVE In the Church
Pierce Chapel is a very active church and there are many ways to serve within our own walls! From the flower ministry to Sunday morning greeters, children’s ministry volunteers to sewing and cooking, there is a way you can connect and serve! We encourage you to examine your particular gifts and talents to explore ways that you could help support the body of Christ. For a list of ways to see how you can help within the body of the church, see our SERVE in the Church List.
Share your interests and talents on our Gifts & Talent Survey.