First Baptist Church Sylvania
(970) 247-0624
This Week’s Announcements
Donuts and Cinnamon Rolls for Missions!
Donuts and Cinnamon Rolls for Missions 1st Sundays!
Women of the Word (WOW) New Bible Study
Women of the Word (WOW) invite you to join them on Monday mornings!
Wednesday Night Supper
Come join us for our once-a-month Wednesday Night Supper!
Highlighted Missionary
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Prayer Requests
Donuts and Cinnamon Rolls for Missions!
Sunday, January 5, we will have Donuts and Cinnamon Rolls for Missions. Each first Sunday of the month we will have donuts and cinnamon rolls for sale for $1 each during the hospitality time. All profits will go towards our mission’s fund!
Women of the Word (WOW) New Bible Study
Women of the Word will begin a new study, The Gospel on the Ground by Kristi McClelland on Monday, January 6. Women of all ages are invited to join them! Come along with biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland as she unpacks the life of the early church in the book of Acts and shows us that the kingdom of God is always on the move, always looking outward to bring meaning and joy to a world searching for true fulfillment and hope. Explore the call of Jesus to His disciples then and to us today!
This group meets in the Youth Barn from 9:15 till 11:30 AM and this session will run for 7 weeks. You can order a copy of the study book at Amazon HERE. For more information, contact Susan at
Wednesday Night Supper
You’re invited to our Wednesday Night Supper on Jan. 8th! Plan to join us around the table for fellowship and a fun night of trivia, bingo and games. Supper is served at 5:30 PM and activities start 6:15 PM. This month’s menu is tacos, sides, and dessert. Supper cost: $7.00 for adults, $4.50 for kids ages 5-12, while kids ages 4 and under continue to eat free. Please make your reservation below by Jan. 6!
Men’s Discipleship Breakfast- January 11
Come enjoy a fresh-cooked breakfast, fellowship, and devotional at this breakfast for men of all ages! $5 per person (first time free!).
Please RSVP by Friday, January 10, at noon with the link below.
Parenting with Mental Health in Mind Course
The Plugged In:Parent Ministry will be offering a 6 week class to parents of all ages beginning on Sunday, January 12. The Parenting with Mental Health in Mind Course will help you learn the psychology of what’s going on in your kid’s brain and science-based, practical tools to help your kid navigate a mental health challenge. Upon completion of the course, you’ll feel empowered and equipped to meet your kid’s mental health challenges head-on and support them in the way they need most.
This class will meet for 6 weeks on Sundays, 5:00-7:00 PM in the Chapel Kids room. Light snacks and childcare will be available. Please sign up HERE!
United Women in Faith Luncheon
Come join us for our United Women in Faith Luncheon on January 14 at 12:30 pm in the Chapel Kids Room. Carol Moorefield and Karen Hartin will be hosting this event. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Karen Hartin at (706) 615-1347.
The ladies invite you to reflect on your faith journey thus far. Perhaps you could consider what parts of your faith you inherited from traditions or people who lived before you, and what parts of your faith are more personal?
Tuesday Ladies Class (TLC)
The Tuesday Ladies Class (TLC) are beginning a new study on Ecclesiastes starting January 14th. We will meet weekly in the Church Office Conference Room on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 till 7:30 PM. All that is needed is your bible and a blank notebook. The Bible footnotes and other Bible resources will be utilized as we study together. This will teach us how to study as we work together through the book. Let’s let the Holy Spirit guide us and reveal truths as we work through this study time.
This study is led by Deb Higdon. For more info, contact Deb at .
Men’s Bible Study
Men’s New Bible Study
Join us for a new study on Nehemiah beginning January 14th at 7:00 PM in the Chapel. The Men for Christ meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday evening for their Bible Study. Men of all ages are welcome! Come join us as we grow closer to each other and closer to God.
Childcare is available upon request. Please email to schedule childcare.
Handyman Ministry
Formed from Men for Christ, the Handyman’s group offers their handyman services on projects around the church and to those in need within our church. Individuals requiring assistance with simple tasks they are unable to complete themselves (such as replacing smoke detectors, yard assistance or minor home repairs) can put in a request for help from this group by using the link to the form below. The Handyman Ministry also assists the Trustees Committee with small jobs on the Pierce Chapel campus. For more information, please contact Team Coordinator Rick Dorer at
Download and print the Handyman Request Form HERE. Please submit to Rick at the email listed.
Happy Achers Senior Adult Group
Join this fun Senior group for an afternoon of games and fellowship every Thursday afternoon beginning at 12:30! We hope you will be able to join us. If you have questions please call Sara Bankhead – 706-570-1263.