Upcoming Events & ANNOUNCEMENTS
Vidalia Onions
Vidalia Onions are for sale through April 28th! The Kiwanis Club of Greater Columbus are selling Vidalia Onions as a fundraiser to help support the children's ministries in the Columbus area that include Open Door and Carpenter's Way. You can purchase a 10lb. bag...
Farewell Celebration Honoring Donna Pounds
Please join us for a Farewell Celebration in honor of our beloved Donna Pounds! Donna has served here at Pierce Chapel for nearly 16 years and she deserves to be celebrated to the fullest. This event will take place Sunday, March 30th immediately following the 11:00...
Easter Save the Dates
Please join us at Pierce Chapel for this Easter Season! There will be plenty of opportunities to worship with us on Holy Week. In addition to our regular Sunday service times. Palm Sunday: Sunday, April 13th, 8:30 and 11:00 AM Tenebrae Service: Friday, April 18th,...
Easter Lilies
If you would like to purchase Lilies for our Easter Worship Service on April 20th, you can sign up here or on our app. The cost is $14 each. Deadline April 13th! sign up here
Camp 4:12
2025 Camp 4:12 early registration is now open for our Pierce Chapel families! Camp 4:12 at Pine Eden Christian Retreat Center is in Hamilton, GA, for rising 2nd graders through rising 6th graders, and will be held Sunday, June 22 through Thursday, June 26. Don't miss...
Wednesday Night Supper
Come join us for our once-a-month Wednesday Night Supper!
New Mary Martha Bible Study
The Mary Martha group will begin a new study on Thursday, March 6, at 3:30 till 4:30 pm. “Finding Our Fulfillment in Christ ”, by Rebekah Hargraves. It is a Lent devotional study for women. According to Rebekah Hargrove the purpose of Lent is a time to distance...
Handyman Ministry
Handyman Ministry serving the church and individuals!
Happy Achers Senior Adult Group
Join this fun Senior group for an afternoon of games and fellowship every Thursday afternoon beginning at 12:30! We hope you will be able to join us. If you have questions please call Sara Bankhead - 706-570-1263.
Children’s Ministry Info
Find Children’s Ministry info and updates here!
Youth Student Ministry Info
Find Youth Student Ministry info and updates here!
Guarding the Heart Podcast
Check out Pierce Chapel’s Podcast series!
Midweek Meditation
Looking for a midweek refresh? Check out Jerry's Midweek Meditation video on Wednesday evenings! New Meditation videos are available on our Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Gifts & Talent Survey
Find out what your spiritual gifts and talents are!
Realm Online Directory
Realm is our online church directory that allows you to keep your contact information up to date!